Pen/Box by BreederBase®

The ORIGINAL Professional weaning pen.

Dura-Whelp® weaning pens come with a full floor
to help keep poop/pee off your floor.
Whelping Box sold separately
Easy to USE
Easy to CLEAN
Easy to STORE
- Easy to MOVE
Give your Litter the additional space they want and need for: Eating, Playing, and Pooping.
Help your Litter develop better Health, better Strength, and better POTTY SKILLS.
Designed for use with your Dura-Whelp® whelping box.
The Dura-Whelp® Weaning Pen is made of the same durable plastic as the Dura-Whelp® whelping box. The Pen consists of 4 walls and a floor, no rails, no door. The Pen is easy to Use, Easy to Clean, Easy to Move and Easy to Store. Light weight, and strong the Pen sets up in seconds and attaches to the door area of your Dura-Whelp whelping box. Puppies are able to exit the whelping box and enter the Weaing Pen area to play, eat, and most importantly poop.
This arrangement more closely approximates the natural PUPPY DEN. The Weaning Pen offers your puppies their birthing area to sleep in, a porthole area, and a new safe area to explore. Your Puppies will naturally develop better strength, health, and potty skills. If you don't provide some new space at weaning time, you are training them to potty in the house.
The Dura-Whelp® Weaning Pen Comes in 4 sizes.
Small | 34" x 34" x 15" |
Medium | 40" x 40" x 20" |
Large | 48" x 48" x 20" |
Extra-Large | 60" x 48" x 23" |
What size is right for my breed?
Call Toll Free @ 1-800-998-3331
P.O. Box 8 Clifton ID 83228, USA