Golden Retriever

About Golden Retrievers
Picking Your Pup
Training for Starters
Naming Your Pup
Health Issues
FairHunt's Breeding Program
Care and Placement
FairHunt Warranties
FairHunt STUD(S)
Books, Videos, & Web Sights
Contact FairHunt
Projects and Activities

AKC = American Kennel Club
GRCA = Golden Retriever Club of America
NAHRA = North American Hunting Retriever Association

OFA = Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
CERF = Canine Eye Registration Foundation
SAS = Sub Aortic Stenosis (hereditary heart valve disorder)
vWD = Von Willebrands Disease (hereditary blood disorder)

Field Titles:

FC or FCH = Field Champion
FTCH = Canadian Field Champion
AFC or AFCH = Amateur Field Champion
AFTCH = Canadian Amateur Field Champion
DUAL CH = Field & Show Champion
*** = Qualified all-age
** = Placement or Jam Licensed Field Trial
* = A Sanctioned Field Trial Placement
WC = Working Certificate
WCX = Working Certificate Excellent

Hunt Test Titles:

JH = Junior Hunter
SH = Senior Hunter
MH = Master Hunter
HIT =High in Trial
JAM = Judges Award of Merit

NAFC = National Amateur Field Champion
NFC = National Field Champion

Obedience Titles:

OTCH = Obedience Trial Champion
UD = Utility Dog
CDX = Companion Dog Excellent (2nd Level Obedience Title)
CD = Companion Dog (1st level Obedience Title)
TD = Tracking Dog (TD + UD = UDT)
TDX = Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX + UD = UDTX)
CGC = Canine Good Citizen

Show Titles:

BIS = Best in Show
CH = Show Champion (conformation)
DUAL CH = Show & Field Champion

GRCA Special Titles:

OS = GRCA Outstanding Sire
OD = GRCA Outstanding Dam
FDHF = GRCA Field Dog Hall of Fame
OHF = GRCA Obedience Hall of Fame
SDHF = Show Dog Hall of Fame
VC = Versatility Certificate
VCX = Versatility Certificate Excellent
WC = Working Certificate
WCX = Working Certificate Excellent

FairHunt Golden Retrievers
R. Burton Tew
208-747-3607 Fax 208-747-3604
8829 N West Side Highway, Oxford ID 83228-5030
Email Web

© 2005 R. Burton Tew
Last revised: May 09, 2005