About Golden Retrievers
Picking Your Pup
Training for Starters
Naming Your Pup
Health Issues
FairHunt's Breeding Program
Care and Placement
FairHunt Warranties
FairHunt STUD(S)
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The development of Golden Retrievers began about 150 years ago in Scotland and England. Hunters of the day recognized them as an excellent water and land retriever. Originally known as “Yellow Wavy-Coat Retriever”, they made their way to America about 75 years ago.

Today, Goldens are beautiful, effective, kind, and popular. However, Golden Retrievers are not for everyone. Goldens are large, muscular, extremely active, social animals; requiring daily exercise, attention, love, and care. You can expect to spend $300-$400 a year in food and $150 a year in veterinary care. Also, if you require an immaculate house or yard a smaller and less active dog would better suit you.

FairHunt Golden Retrievers
R. Burton Tew
208-747-3605 Fax 208-747-3604
8829 N West Side Highway, Oxford ID 83228-5030
xocom@aol.com Web http://www.BreederBase.com/FairHunt/

Copyright © 2005 R. Burton Tew. All rights reserved.
Last revised: May 09, 2005