Golden Retriever
About Golden Retrievers
Picking Your Pup
Training for Starters
Naming Your Pup
Health Issues
FairHunt's Breeding Program
Care and Placement
FairHunt Warranties
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Golden Retrievers, like most dogs, have several genetic health problems. These problems can be reduced and possibly eliminated through responsible breeding. These include but are not limited to: Hip, Eye, Thyroid, Heart, Blood, Epilepsy, and Elbow problems. The most important and avoidable problems include Hip Dysplasia, and Hereditary Eye Defects.


First, please don’t buy a pup whose Sire & Dam (Dad & Mom) are not both Hip and Eye certified!! If you have any question about a dog’s certification(s), please insist on seeing a copy of all the dog’s certificates (AKC, PennHIP, OFA, CERF, etc). All responsible breeders will be happy to provide proof of certification.

Second, buy your pup from a breeder who provides a written Health Warranty. Often, this is provided at an additional cost. However, this demonstrates a breeders willingness to financially stand behind results.

Next, ask about the breeders goals and intentions toward the breed. What affect will their breeding have on the breed in general? And, what methods do they use to ensure the desired result. This line of questioning should separate serious breeders from the rest. Then, ask yourself, do their goals match my desires? If yes, then consider visiting the breeder to meet the Sire and/or Dam. When visiting see if their facilities are clean and healthy. And if their dogs sound and healthy?

During your visit or over the telephone, expect to be asked pointed questions about your intentions toward the pup and your ability to care for the animal. The future of the pup is much more important than money.

If the breeder meets your standards and you meet theirs, "congratulations" your on your way. At this point you can expect to be put on a waiting list and/or assigned a number. Several weeks or even months will pass before your pup is ready. Please take advantage of this time to prepare for your pup’s arrival.

When the time comes to pick your pup, please understand that 95% of the job was done when you picked the Breeder, Sire, and Dam of the litter. After that, if all the pups are healthy, it becomes a matter of time, luck, and voodoo medicine.

Finally, please know that any responsible breeder will retain or restrict the breeding rights of their pups until the pup has reached 18 months of age when further evaluation can be made. Not all dogs should be bred, and it is the job of all breeders to decide which dogs may be bread.

FairHunt Golden Retrievers
R. Burton Tew
208-747-3605 Fax 208-747-3604
8829 N West Side Highway, Oxford ID 83228-5030
Email Web

Copyright © 1998 R. Burton Tew. All rights reserved.
Last revised: May 02, 1999 July 98