About Golden Retrievers
Picking Your Pup
Training for Starters
Naming Your Pup
Health Issues
FairHunt's Breeding Program
Care and Placement
FairHunt Warranties
FairHunt STUD(S)
Books, Videos, & Web Sights
Contact FairHunt
Projects and Activities

If you are not happy with your new pup, return it to FairHunt Golden Retrievers within ten days for a replacement of equal value or a refund equaling your purchase price less the non-refundable deposit, you are responsible for all costs associated with returning the pup, this warranty does not extend to pups who are sick, injured, or dead due to accident, abuse, or negligence.


Extended Warranty Contracts cost 10% of the pup’s full price, and apply to dogs less than two years of age with FairHunt in their registered name and who have not whelped or sired a litter. These contracts cover hereditary disorders which render the dog nonfunctional or nonbreedable.

FairHunt Golden Retrievers
R. Burton Tew
208-747-3605 Fax 208-747-3604
8829 N West Side Highway, Oxford ID 83228-5030
xocom@aol.com Web http://www.BreederBase.com/FairHunt/

© 1998 R. Burton Tew
Last revised: November 24, 1998 July 98