Golden Retrievers
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If you have never trained a dog in formal obedience, we recommend taking your dog to a beginners obedience class. Golden Retrievers are large, active, playful dogs that can make excellent family pets if they are trained to behave and obey their owners. Obedience classes will train you and your dog, as well as introduce you to many people who love their dogs.

Please start (now) spending daily time with your pup. A minimum of 10 to 20 minutes a day, training, playing, or just sitting will ensure your relationship is one that works. Pups love daily schedules, so get in the habit of spending time just after breakfast, or when you get home, or …

Here are some important tips from Bill Tarrant, the anther of Training the Hunting Retriever: "You can take the spirit out of a pup, but you can't put it back in." "Nothing bad should ever happen to pup that he/she can associate with a human." "The best dog trainer is another dog." "Never pull things from pup’s mouth" (no tug-of-war).


We recommend you get an intermittent or large crate (32"L X 22"W X 23"H) for your Golden. Either of these are big enough for a full grown Golden. Just make sure it fits nicely in your vehicle.

After you have chosen your crate, use it in the: car, house, motel, campground, field, and yard. You get the idea. Basically, it is pup’s portable home/den. Treat it that way and pup will see it that way. Put toys, treats, and chew things in the crate. Make the crate fun, it is pup’s place, and pup’s abode.

Use the crate during potty training. It is your job to anticipate pup’s need to "go". So for those short times when you can't watch pup, and at night, put him/her in the crate. Pup will not soil the den unless it can not be avoided or pup is sick. This teaches pup to "hold it" and gives you a chance to show pup exactly where he/she is to "go". When pup goes where you wanted, go crazy with excited praise of pup. With a crate, potty training is easy.

If pup cries at night, put pup’s crate near your bed where he/she can see, hear, and smell you. This should help.

FairHunt Golden Retrievers
R. Burton Tew
208-747-3605 Fax 208-747-3604
8829 N West Side Highway, Oxford ID 83228-5030
Email Web

Copyright © 1998 R. Burton Tew. All rights reserved.
Last revised: May 02, 1999 July 98