Golden Retrievers
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Naming Your Pup
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The registered name that you write on the AKC registration application does not have to include the name you call your puppy. You should use more than one name. If you were to write down just "Summer", your dog would probably be named by AKC "Summer XXXVIII". Remember your pup’s AKC registration name is permanent and can not be changed, even if you sell your dog.

Line Names: Our line name is FAIRHUNT, because that is the goal, to produce Beautiful Hunting Golden Retrievers. Most use our line name in one of two ways: The first and most common way is to put it at the front of the name: FAIRHUNT'S XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX

The second is at the end: XXXXXX XXX XXXXX FAIRHUNT'ER

Using the Line Name in your pups name will both forward the breeding goals and distinctively mark your dog. If you have any thought whatsoever of breeding your dog we strongly recommend using the line name.

FairHunt Golden Retrievers
R. Burton Tew
208-747-3605 Fax 208-747-3604
8829 N West Side Highway, Oxford ID 83228-5030
Email Web

© 1998 R. Burton Tew
Last revised: May 02, 1999 July 98